How do I request a reasonable accommodation?
As an applicant or resident, you may request a reasonable accommodation for yourself or a current member of your household by completing the form below or by visiting any HOC customer service center or HUB office to request the form. Completed forms are returned to HOC using the following contact information:
Mail: Compliance Division
Housing Opportunities Commission
10400 Detrick Avenue
Kensington, MD
Facsimile: 301-949-1433
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
**Reasonable Accommodation Request Form**
**Live-In Aide Request form**
If I have an approved disability under the Americans with Disability Act, but HOC denies my reasonable accommodation request, how is this determined?
HOC will deny requests (but not limited to) as follows:
- If the relationship (nexus) between the requested accommodation and the individual’s disability is not obvious, and there is not sufficient third-party health verification to otherwise demonstrate the relationship.
- Even with the required nexus, if the requested reasonable accommodation constitutes a fundamental alteration in HOC’s programs or activities, HOC will deny the request.
- Even with the required nexus, if the requested accommodation creates an undue financial and administrative burden for HOC, HOC will deny the request.
What is the timeframe in which HOC will review and then approve or deny a reasonable accommodation?
HOC’s timeframe to approve or deny a complete reasonable accommodation request is 45 days.
What are some examples of a typical reasonable accommodation?
Examples of typical reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
- Making a unit, part of a unit, or public and common use element accessible for a household member with a disability who is on the lease;
- Permitting a family to have a service or assistance animal necessary to assist a family member with a disability, and waiving any pet fees;
- Permitting a disabled household member to engage the services of a live-in aide who will reside in an appropriately sized unit;
- Transferring a resident to a larger size unit in order to provide a separate bedroom for a person with a disability;
- Transferring a resident to a unit on a lower level or to a unit that is completely on one level;
- Making documents available in large type, or Braille;
- Providing qualified sign language interpreters for applicant and/or resident meetings with HOC staff, or at resident meetings;
- Installing strobe type flashing lights and other similar equipment for a family member with a hearing impairment;
- Permitting requests for extensions of Housing Choice Vouchers if there is a disability-related reason for the extension;
What if I cannot make the reasonable accommodation request myself?
Reasonable accommodations are also made for a person with a disability that requires an advocate or accessible offices. A designee is allowed to provide some information, but only with the permission of the person with the disability. Please also provide the name and contact information of the person that assisted you in the space provided on HOC’s Reasonable Accommodation Request Form.